Be brave Be you Top66 Statistici

vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013

Greseli? Nu exista asa ceva :)

There is no such thing like mistakes . Because they make us what we are today. In all that madness it must be something good ,something that we couldn't get or make without that mistake/s .Something that made us wiser and smarter . ~~ The past made us what we are today.~~ ( RO: Nu exista greseli. Pentru ca ele ne transforma in ceea ce suntem astazi. In toata nebunia aia trebuie sa fi existat ceva bun, ceva ce nu am fi putut obtine sau face fara acea/acele greseala/greseli . Ceva care ne-a facut mai isteti .~~ Trecutul face din noi ceea ce suntem astazi~~)

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